JEN is an open access, internationally, peer-reviewed journal, indexed on Google Scholar to track citations, h-index and i10-index for impact. The journal is a Crossref member for digital object identifier (DOI) number assignment and citation tracking.

JEN publishes manuscripts as they are accepted. Published works are dated by year, volume (issue): manuscript number and DOI number.  Example: 2025, Volume 8 (Issue 1): 1, DOI#.

Publication Timeline: From submission to publication, manuscripts in JEN take on average 37-50 days. Timelines may vary based on reviewer promptness and the time needed for authors to address revisions. 


An Evaluation of Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Influencing Factors in NCAA Division III Athletes

Kerrie Berends, Michael J. Wierenga, Madeline Frens
Abstract 204 | PDF Downloads 60

A Pharmacokinetic Comparison of Three Butyrate Products

Michael La Monica, Trevor Kirby, Shelley Hartshorn, Ashley Gustat, Jodi Grdic, Jennifer Sandrock
Abstract 328 | PDF Downloads 101

Nutritional Preparation for an Ultra-Endurance Swimmer:  A Case Report

Suzanne Kitts, Kory Stauffer, Tania Flink
Abstract 259 | PDF Downloads 57

The Effect of Differing Potentiation Modalities on Acute Performance in Collegiate Athletes

Joshua Watson, Jason B Winchester, Jeffery McBride, Vanessa Cazás-Moreno
Abstract 96 | PDF Downloads 52

The Influence of Omega-3 Supplementation on Athletic Performance, Grip Strength, and Body Composition in NCAA Division I Collegiate Track & Field Athletes

Katherine Lee, LesLee Funderburk, Tomas Chapman-Lopez, Ricardo Torres, Mary Pickler, Andrew Gallucci
Abstract 282 | PDF Downloads 156