Creatine Monohydrate Enhanced Fixed and Planned Load Reduction Resistance Training without Altering Ratings of Perceived Exertion

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Jaqueline M Paiva
Carolina O S Souza
Vitor O Valle
Scott C. Forbes
Rafael Pereira
Marco Machado


Supplement, Performance, Strength


Creatine enhances resistance training adaptations and may alter ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). Planned load reduction training (10% reduction in load per set) lowered RPE compared to traditional fixed load resistance training (3 sets at a constant load) with similar muscle adaptations. The purpose was to examine the effects of creatine on performance and RPE during both traditional fixed and planned load reduction training compared to placebo. Forty resistance trained males were randomly assigned to either creatine (20 g∙day-1) or placebo for 7 days. Following the loading phase, all participants completed 3 resistance training protocols (3 sets of bench press and smith machine squats) in random order; a constant load (CON), 5% load reduction each set (RED 5), and a 10% load reduction each set (RED 10). Total repetitions and RPE were recorded each set. Creatine supplementation increased bench press repetitions with no significant difference in RPE compared to placebo. There were no other differences between supplements or protocols. Creatine supplementation was able to augment bench press performance compared to placebo without increasing RPE. Creatine did not differentially influence fixed compared to planned load reduction training nor was it able to enhance lower body squat total repetitions.

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