Physiological profile of French Mixed Martial Art athletes

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Xavier Barbier


Physiological Characters, Anaerobic Capacity


With average fight duration exceeding 10 minutes and the high intensity intermittent nature of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), a high physiological demand is placed on aerobic energy system in order to maintain and repeat high intensity efforts. With MMA legalization coming in France in 2020, we thought that it would be interesting to provide practitioners with the first data on physiological profile of French MMA athletes. The present study evaluated the physiological characteristics in 4 professionals and four amateur males MMA fighters. Aerobic and anaerobic capacity were estimated through measurement of VO2max and anaerobic threshold on a treadmill. In comparison to the available literature on MMA, the subjects presented in average lower VO2max, similar VO2 and percentage of VO2max at anaerobic threshold. In comparison with available UFC data, the subjects presented lower values. In comparison to the available literature on other French combat sport athletes, the subjects presented in average lower VO2max.

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