Navigating Occupational Challenges: First Responders’ Perspectives on Dietary Intake and Behavior Original Research
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Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, Food Choice, Nutrition, Diet
Introduction: This study aimed to investigate first responders' dietary beliefs, habits, and food choices.
Methods: Cross-sectional data were obtained from 21 first responders via validated questionnaires. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 29 software.
Results: 21 first responders, including 13 law enforcement officers and eight firefighters, participated (age=37.8±10.0 years, height=180.8±6.5 cm, body mass=94.3±13.1 kg, and body mass index=28.9±4.5 kg/m2). Most participants reported being very willing (n=8, 39.1%) or willing (n=7, 33.3%) to change their eating habits. Barriers to healthy eating included busy lifestyles (n=19, 95%), irregular working hours (n=13, 65%), and willpower (n=10, 50%). Participants also placed importance on several food choice factors.
Conclusions: First responders reported valuing healthy eating. However, unique barriers challenge them despite their willingness to improve their habits. These data may aid further investigation of healthy eating strategies in these populations.
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